Saturday 28 June 2014

Bulgari - A Gem Hideaway

Tucked away in a place called Knightsbridge, you will be forgiven for passing this building by and not giving it the attention it deserves. It stands bold, understated but curiously suspect! Don't let this frighten you because this is the moment to put your curiosity at play and trust me, you will not be disappointed! On arrival the well suited maitre d was polite and led us to the II bar upon request! The prominent presence of the bar area was an instant wow factor. It meshed well with the comfortable seating area and the backdrop of the soft wooden walls increased the attractiveness of this setting. I settled for an earl grey tea and the service was impeccable. The waiters were helpful without being intrusive filling up my empty cup at any notice. Since the surroundings was so relaxing even though a mixture of different songs blasted in the background,our conversation flowed through the evening and midnight almost caught up with us without warning! This was a sign that a good time was had by the GAL'pals! Bulgari is indeed a gem, pay it a visit, you won't be disappointed. 8/10 Peony Blue

Upon entering the Bulgari Bar I was greeted by deep gleam. Mr Sheen had definitely been in the house.
The tall mahogany wood panels that walled the room shone, the floors quietly shone. I felt that I had walked in to the bottom layer of a 95% cacao box of chocolates.
Virtually at the entrance similar to an opulent bath tub stood the bar. It resembled a mighty vessel stocked with all kinds of distillations to help one set sail.
The waiting staff were great, with beaming smiles and happy hello's they were eager to please. Nibbles and olives were set on the table.
Arriving early I ordered a medium spicy Bloody Mary with Tabasco on the side.
Whilst waiting for my fellow gal pals one thing that caught me by surprise was the quality or lack thereof re the upholstery. I just expected more lush fabric. However the fact that they had not crammed the space with tables was a definite plus.
After adding a dash or two more of hot sauce to my tomato based beverage I looked forward to the evening ahead.
From the very limited menu I ordered dinner. I chose the fish fingers which were very tasty but very expensive.
Some vegetable options would have been most welcome.
The musical back drop was very diverse and got my head nodding. Actual songs instead of club thumping anthems.
Before we knew it 23.30 had dawned and it was time to leave.
I would definitely return to the Bulgari. I enjoyed its spaciousness and the fact that it wasn't noisy and teeming with people.
7/10 Stargazer.

Knightsbridge. Synonymous with Harrods, Harvey Nicks and obscene expensive apartments but here is another, Bulgari Hotel and the II Bar.
Mention Bulgari and jewellery immediately comes to mind. I could not help but expect over the top glitz, too much show, too much glamour, just too much but I was pleasantly surprised. Just like the weather which had been unpredictable earlier with forecast of showers, it turned out balmy and enjoyable.
Bulgari was clearly signposted and the chilled young top hat and tails was preoccupied outside the doorway. Not that it mattered. 
Inside we were enthusiastically greeted by the maître d in the spacious foyer.
The aroma of what  smelled like scented candles to my sensitive nose did not go unnoticed, maybe this was part of the ambience. I have to admit I was not expecting such dramatic decor, black tiled floor, swivel black chairs, sprinkled with comfy sofas and the the bar as the centrepiece.
It was very informal in a classic sort of way just like the staff. Smartly dressed in dark tops and apron-like bottoms with their ready to wear natural smiles.
No need to be ushered to our seats as Stargazer was already seated comfortably waiting for us. The nibbles were tasty, mini bread sticks, pecan and cashew nuts and olives. Apricot juice was what I ordered and I was pleased with the very large heavy glass it came in. It was followed by the Crème brûlée, something I had not tasted for a very long time. It was not in the usual deep ramekins but  in a large shallow platter.
The background music was hardly background but was very eclectic.
Stealers Wheel (Reservoir Dogs soundtrack), Big band swing, and good old Grace Jones with Sting added to the mix.
Yes it was expensive but it we were in Knightsbridge land but don't let that put you off.
It was worth it. 7/10 Monique

Saturday 24 May 2014

Catch a Break...Holborn Babe!

Chinwagging at Scarfes

The location was Holborn, the place Rosewood Hotel, Scarfes Bar. As we entered the courtyard (be careful of incoming taxis) to the grandiose lobby and marbled interior. We passed through the rose-bronze gallery that led to Scarfes Bar.
Gentlemen's club with a modern twist was my first impression of the bar. Space was at an abundance but no seating for us….yet!
Time was given to me to soak in the atmosphere and Gerald Scarfe really made his mark, literally. The walls from top to bottom were decorated in his illustrations. Rich, dark, autumnal colours were balanced with the curves and angular lines of the seating arrangements.
I was already gasping at this rate while perusing the menu, which was more like a book. Did I mention the bookshelves and literature littered everywhere. The thoughtful barman gave us water that came in a silver-like goblet! Now that was a surprise….a glass would suffice. The nibbles were an assortment of salted toasted almonds and something else and the something else was too overpowering for my delicate palette. As the conversation got going I had a Ginger Ale, then some Jasmine Silver, that is white tea with a hint of Jasmine which was flavoursome. The Strawberries Romanoff, Grand Marnier left me slightly deflated as the Grand Marnier was all at the bottom of the glass, petty maybe but I was so looking forward to it. As the evening went on the jazz singer accompanied by the pianist and bass player did not go unnoticed by us but did the rest of the crowd notice….
This establishment with it's handsome frontage was like a younger boisterous brother to Donovan Bar. As Donovan was subdued Scarfes is more extroverted and colourful. There is a big difference and yet that is not a bad thing. However for me, less is certainly more. 6/10. (Monique).
Walking into The Rosewood reminded me of being in New York.
The room was generous and gorgeous and very comfortable. The decor was rich and heavy with a library on the back wall. In front of which stood city guys making deals.
The chairs were very comfortable and complimentary snacks sat in crystal bowls.
The cocktail list was very interesting but I settled for a mineral water.
The bar was a real feature. All shiny and mirrored, housing glistening bottles from all over the world. The bar man was sharply dressed
with a deft hand at cocktail shakin'.
The ladies toilets looked wonderful, marbled and ornate though unfortunately lacked much needed fresh air.
For a bite to eat I tried the chicken tikka which was perfectly seasoned with a small green salad garnish.
An hour or so in to our visit a jazz trio comprising of upright bass, grand piano and vocals piped up. They were really good with the female singer looking a lot like Billy Holiday complete with large flower in her hair. 

All in all I really enjoyed The Rosewood and would definitely return. 7/10. (Stargazer).  
The Rosewood is majestic on the inside and out. If The Rosewood were a man, he would be described as suave. The Scarfes Bar has a vibe which is firmly ostentatious and it can come across as daunting at first glance.
On arrival the welcome was a bit skewed since it was busy and the maitre d struggling to keep up! Eventually we found a space by the bar and the barman who was a gentleman looked after us very well, offering us drinks and snacks.
The lighting was a little muted which allowed the vibe to be pleasurable which suited our conversation. The sudden jazzy voice of the singer accompanied by the piano was a welcome addition although seeming somewhat out of place. The cocktails looked great but a ginger beer and a further cup of Earl Grey was the best way to round off the evening.
Thank goodness the company was good. Would I visit Scarfes Bar again, unlikely! However, if you are thinking of taking a date or someone to impress then The Rosewood could be the place to visit but for a light hearted girlie night, I think it is more fluff than depth. See it to believe it though. 5/10. (Peony Blue).

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Lounging and Dining in Spring!

Lounging at Grosvenor House

I was looking forward to afternoon tea at the Grosvenor House near Hyde Park, not to be mistaken for Grosvenor Hotel in Victoria. Oxford Street has not changed, busy as ever with the long established Selfridges and the ever popular humongous Primark store.
I am getting used to top hat and tails to greet at the entrance, and again friendly warm people. The foyer was very wide and decadent with a path of elegant chandeliers. The tea room was easy to find, large, open, bright and airy. I thought it looked familiar only to be confirmed I have been here before, nothing new but the layout has changed. The staff were very courteous and attentive and seating arrangements were ideal even though it was stressed they were getting full. Good to hear a place is so popular even in the early afternoon.
It was such a diverse crowd, fathers with babies in prams, the mature set and ladies of leisure. Once settled we ordered our tea. This is where it gets interesting.  I am sure Paul A Young is wonderful as in-house tea chef but Paul we might have to break the bank for extras. I had a lovely strong Assam tea that was in pastel floral crockery and the lovely touch was the Pre-Raphaelite looking pianist who played happy birthday and Abba at one point. Enjoyable but be prepared to pay around £40 per head for cakes and sandwiches. 6/10 (Monique)

Grosvenor House is indicative of sumptuous beauty. Palatial but not confrontational. The decor is opulent without being garish and the place is spacious without being detached.
As the pianist tackled the notes on the black and white keys with jazzy smoothness,it was audible enough to be appreciated but not too loud to burst into our fluid conversation!
Staff were attentive and helpful without being pushy. Typical English tea is on offer but mind you, it is dear but you can just have a cup of tea without the frills (plenty of choices) and still have a great time and we certainly did.
The atmosphere was perfect and I will say, make Grosvenor House one of those places to visit because you won't feel out of place,you will feel perfectly in place.7/10 (peony blue)

The first thing I noticed upon entering The Grosvenor was the feeling of space and tranquility. Very conducive to the civilised activity of taking tea.
Sitting in one of their very comfortable seats, I reached for the menu and quietly balked at the price of the goodies on offer and out of principle decided just to have a cup of tea.
Upon hearing our decision to forgo pastries, cakes etc, very deftly the waiter whipped away the relevant crockery without making us feel bad.
Tea was served. I chose Lady Grey which was delicious, floral and fragrant.
Later, hot water was offered for us to prolong the experience whilst we sat chatting serenaded by the in house pianist.
If I fancy a quiet cuppa I may visit The Grosvenor again. Pity the menu doesn't offer the option of just a slice if cake or a sandwich esp if one doesn't fancy the whole kit and caboodle.
7/10 (Stargazer)

Bukowski - a Brixton burger joint.

Bukowski; Big name, Small space!
It has that burger joint interior that most of us are now accustomed to,the cool exposed brick work,the cool vibe but somehow it doesn't quite deliver.
If you are thinking of visiting the many restaurants sprawled in the depths of Brixton market then you could do worse.

Warning: Bukowski doesn't serve hot drinks,so if you were banking on a latte or a nice cup of tea then jog on...
I ordered beef ribs with fried onions,it didn't blow my mind!
The prices are fair but since there are plenty of these restaurants in that vicinity,have a good look around before you decide to settle on (not the big but the little Bukowski)! 5/10 (peony blue)

Following afternoon tea in town I was peckish, we all were and that's how we ended up in Brixton Market.
It was an Aladdin's cave of fast food joints and open restaurants galore in between fruit, vegetables and fish market stalls. Then there it stood Bukowski Charcoal Grill  in bold typeface. It was fat chips in a cute metallic bowl with added mayonnaise and a Hibiscus juice without the ice, thankfully not sweet but refreshing.
I had to leave early but I found it interesting even with the top floor space  available there appeared to be was more staff at the paying counter than customers. Friendly service and ideal if you want a quick bite on the go. However take note, be prepared
that the charcoal grill will linger on your clothes. 5/10 (Monique)

To me Brixton Village seems to have become an exciting gastronomic Mecca.
One can sample cuisine from West Africa through to South America via The Caribbean and beyond.
Having checked out a few of the restaurants offerings we decided on Bukowski (it has the most patrons, so at least that meant the kitchen was up and running)
The ranch style outfit with an open kitchen and exposed brick work was very appealing.
A cheerful waitress took our drinks order and we proceeded to think about what to eat.
I chose a burger with Stilton cheese and a side of onion chutney.
When it arrived I was surprised at how modest it was and the beef dripping chips were not as impressive as promised.
Despite the patty not being that hot it was tasty enough and satisfied the appetite.
Would I return? I think not. For me The Gourmet Burger Kitchen still hits the spot.
7/10 (Stargazer)

Wednesday 9 April 2014

The 'Kaff' in a town called Brixton

The Kaff (Brixton) - REVIEW

From time to time but not too often you find some places to meet and eat that are at the most unassuming places and the Kaff is one.
‘At the end of my road…’ I was told…and behold it was at the end of the road on the corner where you would expect to find a newsagents that I used to go to in days gone by.
Now we are bombarded with hip cafe hot spots and bars, numerous estate agents and the ongoing stream of those mini supermarkets. Nothing wrong with that but Brixton has dramatically changed.
As the child visiting the newsagent there is a familiarity with The Kaff. People of all ages coming and going, some stopping for a short chat and some staying for longer. No formality here, wooden tables with real flowers as centre pieces. You could recline in one of their sofas or sit on bar stools but you must be quick.
As night falls more people gather to the Kaff and the music increases with volume.
Lovely fusion of Creole and Caribbean cuisine, a good starting point if this style of food is new to you. Sometimes some of the staff can be too informal…yes it is Brixton but even so…6/10. (Monique)

Being a foodie it is essential that the menu of a venue ignites my taste buds and Kaff did just that.
The prospect of plantain with salsa, Jambalaya or Louisiana Style Po Boys made me very happy indeed.
The bar was a little rougher in aesthetic than I had imagined but nevertheless had a very good atmosphere. Relaxed, chilled and no fuss.
The food was great. Tasty, zesty and fresh. The rum cake was equally delicious. Dark, rich and authentic.
As day turned to dusk revelers arrived bringing hustle and bustle accompanying the now much louder music.
It was nice though to feel comfortable enough to stay a while without the pressure of continually ordering drinks.
The one downside was less than pukka cocktails.
The bar man's attitude about the criticism of the cocktail was totally off and shook me up somewhat.
There is an art to the execution of fruit juice bitters and liquor. This bar boy needs to go back to school!
All in all, for a low-key Saturday hang consider Kaff. 7/10. (Stargazer)

Once a cool dude, always a cool dude and Brixton has it like that...!
If you haven't ventured the cool area that is Brixton then visit it now, there is lots to do, night or day.
If you want to socialise then there is aplenty and The Kaff can't be ignored. A quaint restaurant with a Creole fusion which is opened for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the afternoon it has a home from home feel but in the evening, it opens its doors to the party people but the music does become louder when the night gatherers gather. If you are looking for a cool place to meet friends and be sociable then get there before the revelers invade. The Kaff tries to be a jack-of-all-trades and you know what they say about too many chefs in the kitchen... forgive the pun! Even though they do cocktails and other liquors, not to forget the other beverages and the assortment of alcohol, the cocktails especially are not very good especially if your palette has previously been invaded by fantastic cocktails! However the prices are reasonable and the atmosphere is good all round. If you want a good impression of Brixton, put Kaff on your 'go to' list!
6/10. (Peony Blue)

Friday 4 April 2014

hotel bar hopping (fun in the city)


Looking to inject a little excitement into Spring and then the oncoming summer, three reunited friends decide to up their game and enjoy a once or twice a month evening or afternoon in a swanky hotel.
Novelist risqué Peony Blue compiles the list while light-fingered Monique and chanteuse Stargazer happily agree on the idea.
They decide on a weekday to break the monotony of evenings spent watching TV.
That night birthed by Peony Blue, GAL'pal was born!
Their first stop is Donovan's Bar inside the ever so gorgeous Browns Hotel.
They had such a swell time that they decided to share their experiences. (Stargazer)

Three young women on a night out, what is there to worry about but a cool night out. So we planned to do something exciting midweek, out of our comfort zone as it were.
Wednesday sounded fab, midweek, non-eventful but to be fair it was a lovely spring evening which gave us that little gusto. Sex and the city this is not but 'fun and the city', oh yes!
Choosing the Donovan Bar was unanimous and a great first pick. A good night was had by all so if you are a girl who needs fun and the city, pay a visit to this hotel bar with good friends who want to chill, have a laugh, people watch, people talk, taste a few cocktails and have an exuberant time, then watch out for our tried and tested 'fun in the city'! (Peony Blue)

After the constant rain and dismal winter it was lovely to spend time with friends on a perfect evening. First port of call was Donovan Bar within Browns Hotel. I do know London but not that specific part so it was unknown territory.
Getting there was fun with Waterstones, the Royal Academy and the availability of window shopping at some of the vast stores, afternoon and evenings will never be boring again. After meandering to and from the smaller and quieter roads there was Browns Hotel.
Donovan Bar is a place for grown ups but not too formal, a place to recline and relax with light or heavy conversation with friends or colleagues from work.
No need to dress formal but smart and comfortable will do. (Monique)

REVIEW - Donovan Bar (Brown's Hotel)

I heard about Browns Hotel but not of Donovan Bar and this was my first outing.
Did not expect top hats and tails to greet at the front entrance, which was lovely and not intimidating.
Welcoming 'good evening' from all staff made you feel at home as you are guided to your seat.
What struck me was the mood of this place; it's all about relaxation. Smooth music that does not overpower the conversation one may be having, soothing decor and dim lights. I could not help being drawn to the stain glass image behind the bar itself which was a colourful contrast. I was not adventurous enough to sample the array of cocktails but settled for a tasty passion fruit juice and later in the evening a white tea, complimented with cookie.
A great evening to wind down with friends after a busy day or week. Donovan Bar has a certain charm that has...charmed me. If there was any criticism just the snacks, more variety with less cryptic names. 7/10. (Monique)

If you're not in the mood for thumping music and a noisy crowd Donovan's could be your hang.
The subdued lighting induced a very relaxing atmosphere and comfortable seats lent themselves to a few hours of catch up. Cannot remember any music playing, if so the level was just right.
The staff was well dressed and friendly however the waiting time for food and drinks was a little long.
For me the downside was both the uninspired food and drinks menu. I had cheese on toast, which was very tasty but should be left on a room service menu.
So if gastronomic delights are on your list for a good night out, Donovan's may not be the place for you. 7/10. (Stargazer)

Donovan Bar is indulgent in a quiet sophisticated sort of way. The ambience is cool without being icy, debonair without being opulent. The dark undertones of black and white photos on the walls blends in well and still holds onto the understated look without interfering with the mood. We enjoyed some drinks and the refreshing lychee juice hit the spot not to mention the attention to detail, the cool looking tall glasses! There was a lack of nibbles on the menu and the desert trolley was done by 7pm so if you have a sweet tooth then grab it while it's hot...
Nonetheless it is a great place to socialise especially when you want to meet friends for a good old natter. And boy did we natter!!! I will recommend it even if it is a once in a lifetime visit. 6/10. (Peony Blue)